About Us

In Loveworld, we are committed to world evangelism, taking the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to every man’s world. To do this, we must pray, as we cannot evangelize the world without effectual prayer. Our paramount motivation therefore, is to instil in everyone the consciousness of praying for their nations and the nations of the world, to understand the importance and impact of their prayer and most especially to educate them on how to pray the right way for the nations.

To this end, we are lighting up the world with the ‘Pray along’ audio compilations by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc, DD, titled “PRAYING FOR THE NATIONS”, Volume 1 & 2 to help men, women and children all around the world to pray for their nations, to pray with accurate understanding and knowledge, and most especially to subdue the influence and nullify the attacks of the devil whilst ensuring that souls are saved and the desire of God concerning every nation comes to pass through prayer.

1Timothy 2:1-2 states:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

With the spate of evil being perpetrated and pushed through the nations of the world, this scripture continues to be the driving force as we continually witness and participate in the use of the message, “PRAYING FOR THE NATIONS” during personal devotions, in prayer meetings, church services, conferences, and large international prayers to effect positive changes in nations and territories all around the world.

A core value of this platform is to engage people praying passionately for the nations of the world.

Our mission

“LIGHT UP THE NATIONS WITH PRAYER USING PRAYING FOR THE NATIONS” CAMPAIGN is on the mission to desensitize the world of fear and perplexity; to foster the spirit of oneness, boldness and continued victories through world-changing prayers with the focus on advancing the gospel.

Our vision

Our vision is to make tremendous impact in the nations of the world through prayer; making the audio message, “PRAYING FOR THE NATIONS” the most utilized prayer material globally in several nations and languages of the world.

“Pastor has been teaching us especially through “Your Loveworld Specials”, about praying for the nations, but the great blessing this prayer message brings is being able to pray the exact same words Pastor prays, having the privilege to use those choice words endorsed by the Spirit of God in prayer. Thank you Pastor sir, I am not only effecting changes globally, I am localizing this to cause the necessary changes in my world. Praying For The Nations is a MUST-HAVE and MUST-USE for everyone. Glory to God! Thank you Pastor sir for the opportunity.”

Dr. Mercy