One of the most common misconceptions about “Prayer” is the belief that praying isn’t for everyone and shouldn’t be done regularly. Since God created
Heaven and Earth and knows everything, why then must we pray to Him about matters concerning us as individuals or even concerning the Earth?

Luke 18:1 says- “…men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

God is a God of order; He put man in charge of the world and has given man dominion over everything in it; hence He wouldn’t intervene if He wasn’t invited to.

Our prayer therefore makes it consistent for God to do what would have been inconsistent for Him to do had we not prayed… (Culled from the message “Prevailing Prayer” by Pastor Chris)

We see in the Bible (ref: 2 Kings 20:1-5) where the prophet Isaiah told Hezekiah about his imminent death and how Hezekiah through prayer caused God to add fifteen years to his number of years in the earth.

In a world full of evil vices and occurrences, men ought to pray. God asked us to pray because He wants to answer. Never assume that others are praying; take charge of your nation, school, the government and the scheme of affairs of men in prayer, by preventing evil and proclaiming peace, joy, stability, progress and safety in the world.

Wouldn’t you rather influence the world with your prayer today?


Author – Hope Oluleye